Planning an online learning environment

The greatest flexibility in the implementation of studies is achieved when the learning environment is completely online and possible to study at any time.

The learning platform (e.g. Moodle) is the home base for the studies, and you may also need a web-based meeting tool (e.g. Zoom, Webex) for real-time interaction. Think about what you need to review as a teacher and what can remain in the interaction between students? Students can be encouraged to choose their own tools, e.g. in social media as long as the final outputs are presented on a common learning platform and can be evaluated by peers or by the teacher. Videos, eBooks, web conferencing, etc. on different servers need to be linked to the learning environment so that students can easily find everything from one place.

Think about what kinds of forums and tools are used to interact, how to convey content, and where to do learning tasks? The basic tools and contents common to everyone need to be decided in advance so that students know what is expected of them and how they should be working.

Students usually like to use their own favorites for example in mutual communication, it is therefore important to remind you that the results need to be uploaded to the official Learning platform for evaluation.

Especially when creating a completely new online course, piloting is important. If there is no time for the actual piloting, the teacher may ask his colleague to go through the material. The assessment/review of the technical and pedagogical solutions of the course is also supported by the teaching support staff.

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